Hey...is my very 1st time 2 write a blog man...haha..althought 2day is a public holiday..but is NEVER a holiday 4 me..haha..i have 2 stay at home doin my geografi project!!! haiz..so boring... every month have EXAM!! crazy 1.. until talking v my fren also will use some maths formula 2 say OR discribe a thing..lol..
Everyday have 2 study study and study..but..i din reali la..hehe...k la..dun talk so much..gtg and do my stuff lo..ciaoz..take care yea..tata..God bless ya..^-^MUAKSSS

Haha...nice one Cheryl...
Lolz... Welcome to blog world. No wonder asked me about blog stuff. Hehe...
ya la..u also dun want 1 teach me!! TERUK LA U!!haha..
I had limitation lah.. Teach u thru msn very susah tau.. Think so easy meh.. Lolz..
ya la...very easy only ma..for me..wakaka..k la..next time lo..herrrrr...blek..:P
Cuz' Joel noob-ish... Hahaha... Go thru' step by step mai can lo... Duh?
hey Anonymous ..can i know who r u?? say ppl noob-ish 1 ah..as if u so geng....blek..wakkaak:P:P
I am kecoh... Ask Joel if dunno...
Hmm, should consider using anonymous for games, sound so mysterious =P
obviosly i know who r u la...
Good la you know...
Wear back my name first...
Hmm, dunno who say busy doing project but got time play blog... hahaha
aiya...also can 1 ma.. i like ma..also not u..somemore tat time is kinda long time..tat time not reali busy ma.. cannot meh..
So many "time"s... Confused >_>
Ya la you like la... Vaguely understand your statement... Blur...
Anyways, enjoy your blog la... Kecoh-ing in some blog now... Heh
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